I remember the day

I remember the day the dawn brought along with it silence and space for fiery determination. The night before was filled with flails of panic, solutions seeming out of reach, and mourning the unknown. I was out of control, alone at sea, helpless with inaction. My girlfriend reached a point in her process to moveContinue reading “I remember the day”

I rise after

Morning writing session with Firefly I rise after, tracing her side of the bed and both normally and un-alarmingly feel a pillow instead of her body. She used to not be able to sleep, maybe a few hours a night she’d tell me. I thought that was crazy, I wouldn’t be able to function alongContinue reading “I rise after”

When you say “i do”

(Excerpt from my speech) “I used to have an idea or interpretation of love from bad experiences. This idea has been repeatedly questioned and trimmed down and widdled into a faint memory because whatever I thought was right was not at all what Thais has shown me. She has taught me patience and gratitude. SheContinue reading “When you say “i do””